Behind Closed Doors
"The kingdom of God does not come with careful observation
... because the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:20-21
"The kingdom of God does not come with careful observation
... because the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:20-21
Visiting the United States Capitol in Washington and getting to sit in the gallery of the House of Representatives is always an interesting experience because very few of the 435 representatives are usually there. Over the many years of visiting the Capitol, we've seen as few as two or three representatives listening to speeches on issues ranging from gun control to foreign aid and never more than a few dozen of the hundreds elected to represent their constituents back home.
As we headed to the capitol this morning for our visit to Congress, I was thinking that the sparse attendance we usually encounter was not a refection of the amount of work being done but rather an indication that the real work of Congress goes on behind closed doors.
The work of forging public policy, of solving critical issues being confronted by the nation, of addressing matters that affect the lives of millions of people is done out of the sight of us Washington tourists and even out of the sight of the hordes of media surrounding our political leaders.
The scripture above teaches us that the same principle is true in Christianity, the real work of becoming Christ like takes place outside the view and observation of others, as we seek, in the privacy of our hearts, to forge a relationship with the Lord.
When a bill comes up on the floor of the House of Representatives, untold hours of work have gone into that bill being ready for debate and an eventual vote. The quality of what is proposed is a reflection of all that took place behind closed doors.
A similar situation occurs in our church services in that what occurs on a Sunday morning is a reflection of all that took place behind closed doors during the week. The quality of the ministry, the contributions of the congregation (a very important part of every service) and the level of entering into the Lord's presence are the end result of the "behind closed doors" effort of everyone who is a part.
In that place where no one can see you, behind the closed doors of your heart, the quality of your contribution is being forged. And while no-one observes that process, the end result cannot be hidden. Make it your goal this week to get "the real work" done with excellence and with determination - and you will have a part in something great coming forth in the Kingdom of God.
God Bless,
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church