Hand Picked
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you
to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last." John 15:16
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you
to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last." John 15:16
Driving along Route 18 in upstate New York this past summer, I passed a small sign "U Pick Cherries". Not being in a hurry this trip, I thought about it for a minute, decided it would be fun, and did a quick u-turn. When I finally got to the orchard, I had two choices, to go out and pick my own cherries, or buy some already picked, delicious looking dark red cherries. I chose the former, picking them myself. It meant more work, getting my shoes a little muddy but it would be worth it to get to pick the best looking cherries that I could find. It seems when you buy fruit already picked, you always get some that are less than perfect, maybe a soft spot on an apple, a squished blueberry, or the moldy berries at the bottom of the container. No, not this time, not for me, I was going after the best fruit in the orchard.
90 minutes and 6 1/2 pounds of cherries later, I was on my way home to Michigan, full from all the sampling I did while picking and feeling great about my harvest of cherries. (That lasted for 45 minutes until I arrived at the border and found out that transporting fruit between the US and Canada is illegal and frowned upon - I'll save that story for another time.)
In the midst of all this, the Lord began to speak to me about our being hand picked by the Father. Just as I was very careful which cherries I picked, God has chosen you and I, on purpose, with purpose and for a purpose. You were individually chosen by God the Father, with Him already knowing your strengths and weaknesses, your talents and abilities, your special needs and personal vulnerabilities (we all have them). His Word declares it, "you did not choose me but I chose you", telling us that God saw value in each of us, He saw us as worth saving, as worth investing in, as worth sending His Son to die on the cross for.
And knowing everything about us, He chose us for the purpose of bearing fruit, in many different ways, but all fruit bearers just the same. It strengthens me knowing that God wanted me to be a part of His kingdom, that despite my shortcomings, He wants to have a relationship with me and use me for His plans and purposes. Knowing that, we can each face today with a renewed confidence and a broader smile - God chose you!
God Bless,
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church
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