Friday, June 5, 2009

The Cornerstone

The Cornerstone

"See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone,
and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame."
I Peter 2:6

We are used to gound breaking ceremonies signaling the construction of anything from a new corporate headquarters to a new highway linking important areas of the country. Dignitaries are gathered, photographers and newspapaer reporters are assembled and someone, usually an important leader or key figure, is given the honor of digging the first shovel-full of dirt for the new project.

The equivalent of these events in ancient times was the laying of the cornerstone in a new building. The cornerstone was the first stone laid in the building process and was the stone which all other stones were aligned with, its' placement being crucial to the success of the project being undertaken. Job made reference to it, both David and Isaiah prophesied about God sending "a precious cornerstone" that could be trusted in and relied upon, and Jesus quoted their words in addressing the religious leaders who were rejecting him.

The truth that Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith is both simple and profound. It is simple in the fact that we know that Christianity is (or should be) centered around, and based on, the person and work of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. All that we believe in and all that we live for are found in Christ. The profound side of looking to Jesus as our cornerstone is that we can take every measurement for our lives from him, aligning with him in literally everything.

Thinking of just a few examples, we can align ourselves with the heart Jesus had for the lost and hurting, with his attitude toward sinners who were outside the kingdom and living contrary to God's ways, and with the desire he had to please the Father.

He can be our cornerstone in a devotional life where we set time aside for prayer and seeking God's will, as an example of a life that hit the mark and refused to be either distracted or deflected, and in laying down our lives for others as he did.

Allowing Jesus to be your "precious cornerstone, a sure foundation" (Isaiah 28:16) in your life, will assure you of a Christian life that grows straight, that can endure the winds and storms, and that, above all else, will glorify the Father in heaven.

God Bless
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church

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