Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Already Dead

Already Dead

"In the same way, we count ourselves dead to sin
but alive to God in Christ Jesus." Romans 6:11

The four men were joined together by something they had in common, each having contracted the same incurable, debillitating disease. As they gathered together one evening, they were considering doing something that was very dangerous, even life threatening. As they sat discussing their options, the dim prognosis of their disease factored into their decision. They knew if they succeeded, their would be a definite reward. And if they failed, with the future they faced, they weren't really risking all that much because, to be honest, in some ways they were already dead.

Picture a famine so great that a head of lettuce is selling for $1200, a hamburger pattie for $800 (the bun is extra) and a potato (just one) for $750. The four men we are talking about were four lepers and they lived in the city facing this "great famine".

The story is told in II Kings 6 and 7 and describes a famine so severe that the people faced certain death if something didn't happen soon. The Syrian army was surrounding the city preventing all food from getting in and they planned on staying until the city died of starvation or surrendered.

Out of an entire city of people, the four lepers were the only ones willing to risk their lives by going out of the city and surrendering to the Syrians. Everyone else was worried about saving their lives while these men weren't really concerned with saving their lives. Leoprosy was so contagious that they lived in segregation and there was no cure for the disease they were afflicted with, leaving them without hope for the future.

In some ways, they were already dead and that was their advantage! Anytime we die in an area of life, we become truly free to live. Say for example that a person dies to needing the approval of others. That person becomes free to launch out in faith no matter what the risk of failure is and no matter what others may think. In dying, they become truly free to live. We can die to sin, to our past, to the hold "things" can have over us, to so many areas of life, even to our dreams and goals. And every time we die, we become a little more alive, free to live a life of faith and victory in the Lord. Like the four lepers who saved an entire city from starvation by their actions, we can experience purposeful living like never before.

God Bless,
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church

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