Blind Spots
Driving up behind the 18-wheeler that was in the passing lane on Highway 401 in Canada, I got close enough to read the sign on the back of the trailer "Please Don't Drive In My Blind Spot". I think we all know those spots where a car or a truck can be hidden from our mirrors, the back left corner and the back right corner, the spots that we have to turn our heads to check before changing lanes. Blind spots are something I can relate to. Since being diagnosed with glaucoma and losing some of my peripherial vision, I've had to be more aware of my blind spots than ever before. But not only do we have natural blind spots but spiritual ones as well.
The story is told of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson going camping. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they laid down for the night and fell asleep. During the night, Holmes woke up, nudged his friend awake and said, "Watson, what do you see?" "I see millions and millions of stars" replied Watson. "What does that tell you?" Holmes asked. Watson replied by talking about the galaxies, the planets and the constellations, and about how the heavens reveal how powerful our God must be. He then asked Holmes, "Why, what does it tell you?" to which Holmes answered, "Watson you idiot, someone has stolen out tent." Isn't is amazing how close someone, or something, can be and we still can't see it.
In Psalm 19:12, David acknowledged his own blind spots when he prayed, "Lord, cleanse me from my secret faults". Like David, we can be blind to weaknesses in our lives, we can be blind to areas where our resistance is low, and we can be blind to areas where insecurities and fears have robbed us of our ability to see things clearly. At times, we can also be blind to how our behavior is hurting the people around us. But, thankfully, the Lord promised that he would "cause the blind eyes to see". Let's ask the Lord to do that in each of our lives, to open our eyes to see in the areas that have been hidden from us, our "blind spots".
And one last area, we can be blind to what God is doing in our lives. Just think, right now God might be doing something wonderul in your life, preparing you for great things ahead. Maybe you just have to turn your head a little, adjust where you're focusing, and you'll see the hand of the Lord making you into a vessel of honor, fit for the Master's use.
God Bless,
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church
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