The Pothole Convention
Anyone who has lived in the Midwest has experienced spring potholes, those car-jarring, tire-damaging, coffee-spilling holes in the road that mysteriously appear just at the end of winter. A few weeks ago, I was driving on Orchard Lake Road between Fourteen Mile Rd and Maple Rd. (It was a few days before the Detroit News named it the worst road in Metro Detroit for potholes). It seemed as if all the potholes talked and decided to meet there for a pothole
convention. Most of us have been trained in pothole avoidance, artfully swerving the car to avoid them or slowing down to lessen the impact. On that road, there was no avoiding the craters, they were literally everywhere.
Even this morning, pulling out of the Sunoco Station with my fresh decaf, when I've been thinking about potholes and doing this devotion, when I should be on guard, prepared to watch for them, I missed a big one and rattled the poor old Buick. I think there's a lesson to be learned. There are potholes in our everyday lives to be avoided, little traps we can all fall into if we're not careful and alert. Ephesians 5:15 tells us to "walk circumspectly", to be alert, to have our eyes open, to watch where we walk.
If we can be on the alert for situations where it's easy to complain, where it's easy to find fault with someone else and criticize, just to mention a few, we can avoid the potholes of life. And we'll find that life goes a lot smoother. Practice pothole avoidance, you'll be blessed by it.
God Bless
Pastor Joe
King's Gate Church
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