At God’s Disposal
“Here is a boy who has five barley loaves and two small
fish; but what good are these among so many people?”
John 6:9
fish; but what good are these among so many people?”
As Jesus looked to feed the multitude of people who had followed Him to a remote location to hear his teachings, He wasn’t concerned with the size of the need; He only wanted to know what the disciples had available for Him to work with. They placed “at His disposal” a few loaves and some small fish and the rest is history as they say. Five thousand men, plus women and children, were fed that day providing us a lesson that still rings true: our little is more than enough in the hands of God.
That lesson was reinforced to me last night as I sent off $240 to Operation Smile to provide cleft palate surgery for a poor young child somewhere in the world. Little children in a small church brought their pennies, nickels, quarters and dimes and placed them in a change jar for most of the past year. The individual offerings were small by any comparison but, for the child who will receive surgery through their gift, it will be anything but little. Maybe we could all learn something from the little child who was still humble enough to put their $.32 offering to work to help another child in need. Maybe it’s time to realize that little can be a mindset that we have to overcome in making all we have and all we are available to God.
The woman whose husband had died went to Elisha deeply concerned about paying her creditors lest her sons be sold into slavery. Elisha responded to her with a question: “Tell me, what do you have in your house?” She may have only had one jar of oil but, in God’s hand, that little amount of oil met the widow’s every need. It’s interesting: in her hand, it was a jar of cooking oil, but in God’s hand it was her family’s provision for many years to come. So many people spend time worrying about what they don’t have while God is interested in taking what you do have and using it for His purposes and His glory. The old refrain still rings true: little is much when God is in it.
You may not have much, by your way of thinking, but if you will place what you do have at God’s disposal, you will see that God has proven time and again that He can take our little and make much out of it. Your talent and ability is not too little for the God who created you; make it available to Him today. A few loaves, some small fish, and a jar of oil – stop doubting who you are and what you have. In God’s hands and at God’s disposal, it’s more than enough to meet the need. And if you have a little change, I know a place ………..
God BlessPastor Joe
Gateway Church