A Call to Love
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life
for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.”
I John 3:16
for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.”
Woven like a thread through every aspect of the gospel and of the Christian life is love; a word used interchangeably to represent such a wide range of feelings and emotions. Think of it; on any given day, you might use the word for a McDonald’s menu item like Diet Coke, in talking about your favorite music group or store at the mall, and in expressing your feelings and affection for your husband or wife. Maybe that’s why Paul had to spend an entire chapter of the Word telling us what the love we are called to live out looks like.
Living a life of love and answering the call to love one another is certainly one of the greatest challenges of the Christian life. The pattern has been clearly laid out – love as He loved, love others as Jesus loved us. But the outworking of that call to love in our daily lives, to love not just in words easy to be spoken but in actions that often cost us something, requires reminders much like we’re getting this morning.
The call to show genuine kindness, concern, and consideration to others includes the co-worker who annoys us, the neighbor whose faults are so bothersome, the fellow believer who God is still in the process of changing, and the family member who should know better. The list includes everyone from the driver going too slow on the road this morning to the friend who has hurt you deeply. The one who stepped on your toes is there along with the one who you couldn’t believe would have the nerve to say that to you, about you, or involving you. In fact, if there is someone you need to forgive, I can assure you they are on the list of those you are called to love unselfishly, selflessly and wholeheartedly.
If you look at the opening verse, you’ll see that the standard is pretty high: laying down our lives for each other, parents for children, friend for friend, believer for fellow believer, co-worker for co-worker, and neighbor for neighbor. Live as Jesus did and love as Jesus did, live a life of love that always forgives, that thinks of others before yourself, that seeks to make others’ lives better by the care, concern and affection you show toward them. Live a life of love, you’ll make a difference in other lives, and God will be well pleased with you!
God Bless,Pastor Joe
Gateway Church
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