The Sands of Time
“Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise
but wise, making the most of every opportunity…”
Ephesians 5:15-16
but wise, making the most of every opportunity…”
As the scene unfolded, the actor set the hourglass down on the kitchen table, firmly declaring “You have 48 hours. When the sand runs out, I want your decision.” Without knowing how many takes it took to get the scene just the way they wanted it, I started to picture them stopping, turning the hourglass over, waiting until the sand had all run to the bottom of the hourglass and starting the filming over. And I pictured them repeating the process of turning the hourglass over, time and again, as they searched for the perfect balance of drama and intrigue in the scene they were filming.
And although we sometimes forget it, real life isn’t like that. We may get second chances from the Lord for which we are so grateful, but we don’t get to turn the hourglass of our lives over and start again. In one sense, the Lord turned over the hourglass of our lives on the day we were born and the sands have been running uninterrupted ever since with only the Lord knowing the measure of our days. But we do know that one day the sands of time will run out for each of us. And that makes it even more important that each one heed the warnings of God’s Word to make the most of the time we have been blessed with.
The verse above talks about “making the most of every opportunity.” The opportunities we are afforded to affect other lives can be dismissed as inconvenient and bothersome or they can be taken advantage of despite the cost and sacrifice. We can make the most of every life opportunity; we can make good use of our time being careful that it is spent on the things that matter most to God, or we can flitter away our time on vain, self-centered pursuits. The choice is most certainly ours but the hourglass doesn’t get turned over, no matter which direction we choose to go. The sands of time keep running in the hourglass of our lives.
The verse begins with “be very careful” and carries the thought of our being exact, precise, and accurate with the use of our time and with how we live. God has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives that we are to live out in our daily walk. How we use our time does matter and what we do with life’s opportunities does matter. The challenge is to make the most of the sands of time we have been given, to turn each and every opportunity that arises into the most good in ways that give the most glory to God.
God BlessPastor Joe
Gateway Church
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