Friday, March 25, 2011

The Fiber of Our Character (Part 2)

The Fiber of Our Character (Part 2)
“And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit
within them ….. and give them a tender, responsive heart.”
                                                     Ezekiel 11:19
In the midst of having the many fibers that keep out the cold, the wind and the rain, materials that insulate us from the harsh weather conditions we face here in the Midwest, we have to guard against a mindset that keeps not only the weather out but people too. Ingrained in many of us is a self-preservation mode that keeps out anyone or anything that might threaten us, a hard shell that develops over the years because of offences, rejections and hurts. And it all too often ends up keeping not only people at arms length but the Lord Himself.
We play a vital role in each other’s lives whether we want it that way or not. In fact, I have come to believe that the Lord created each of us with weaknesses, deficiencies and voids that can only be filled by other people. Call it a “built-in” need that, no matter how hard we try, we can’t meet ourselves. And so the mindset that we can do it ourselves, that we can go it alone, leaves us in the place of trying to accomplish something the Lord never intended or equipped us for. No wonder so many are frustrated in life as, in reality, they’re fighting against the very way the Lord created them.
The scripture teaches us that “as iron sharpens iron, so a person sharpens his friend.” If your desire is to be a better, “sharper” person, the input of trusted friends, family members, and fellow believers is essential. For those who battle self-esteem issues, a conscious effort to allow others in has to be made. Forget what the world says; he is the stronger person, not the weaker, who can accept suggestions, advice, and even correction from other people. The notion that something is wrong with us if we need others’ help is so contrary to the Word of God. Moses needed Jethro’s wisdom and advice when he was doing too much himself, David needed Nathan to speak the truth to him about his sinful actions and Peter needed Paul to warn him about his hypocrisy when he refused to eat with the Gentiles. We all need other people, people God-sent with the right word at just the right time to help us in our Christian walk.
Knowing that the enemy will say otherwise, we want to have hearts and minds that are “able”. Try and remember it this way, God wants us to be teachable and adjustable, tender and open to being sharpened by those whose motives are right and whose love is sincere.
God Bless
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Fiber of Our Character (Part 1)

The Fiber of Our Character (Part 1)
“We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God
We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.”
                                        II Corinthians 10:5
Walking to the car in a driving rainstorm last weekend reminded me of the advances that have been made in the development of man-made fibers. We now have materials that are incredibly lightweight, wind resistant and water repellant, able to withstand temperatures that I hope I never find myself in. Because of those breakthroughs and the progress of technology, in situations where years ago we would have found ourselves cold and wet, we can now stay warm and dry. The cold does not get through the layers we have on, and the rain never makes it past the outer defenses that our coat represents.
Having those same fibers in our character would be an even greater blessing than the Columbia and North Face fleeces and parkas we wrap ourselves in to stay warm.  The ability to repulse wrong thoughts that attack our mind is invaluable. The ability to identify thoughts and ideas as either coming from the enemy or as the product of our imagination is an aspect of character that must be developed in the life of every believer. Those thoughts and the imaginations of our minds can be seen in several easily identifiable areas:
·         Wrong thoughts about your future, lies that nothing will ever change in your situation, and lies that your future holds no hope or promise.
·         Imaginations that other people are in some way against you (when, in reality, they are facing their own trials and difficulties, struggling themselves.)
·         Pervasive lies about God, minimizing His love for you, denying that He is on your side and that He has your very best in mind in everything He does.
·         Subtle deceptions that something or someone other than God is the key to your happiness, fulfillment, and contentment.
Many have rightly termed it “the battlefield of the mind”, the struggle to take control of our thought life, and to reject and repulse those thoughts that are contrary to what God has so clearly revealed to us in His Word. My prayer is that the natural fibers available to us in our clothing will remind us of a fiber that God wants to develop in our character, a fiber that will withstand every attack, that will repulse the lies that bind and the thoughts that defeat, freeing us to live the life God intended with a mind that is clear, alert, and focused on the things of God.
God Bless
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church