Friday, July 11, 2014

A Watershed Moment

“From this day on I will bless you, says the Lord”
Haggai 2:19

The term watershed is used to describe the geographical area from which rain and precipitation of all kinds flow into a particular body of water. Watersheds are marked by a unique dividing line from which water flows in one direction or another, such as the Rocky Mountains here in the United States with rain falling on one side of the Rockies heading to the Pacific Watershed and rain falling on the other side making its way to the Mississippi Watershed.

But enough for our geography lesson because from the term watershed, a phrase has come to be used to describe moments in time that mark a dividing line in the history of nations and in the lives of individuals. That phrase, a watershed moment, describes “an experience or event that has profound effects on a nation or individual’s destiny going forward.” The signing of the Declaration of Independence here in America would certainly be considered a watershed moment in American History as would the tearing down of the Berlin Wall in European History.

We would probably imagine most watershed moments to be acts of great courage and determination, which would fit in most cases, but we want to look at a watershed moment in the life of David that was nothing more than a simple decision to do what’s right. David had been running for his life from Saul who was determined to kill David and keep him from becoming the future king. After many years of evading Saul’s pursuit, David found himself, with a spear in his hand, standing over a sleeping Saul. The opportunity to end the years of living in caves and hiding in the mountains was there for David; one blow and this incredibly difficult time, this confusing part of his life considering all that God had spoken to him, would be over.

But David’s watershed moment was the opposite of what we’d expect. He decided that he wouldn’t touch the Lord’s anointed, that he wouldn’t take matters into his own hands, and kill King Saul. David’s watershed moment was a firm decision to leave the matter in God’s hands, to not take vengeance where we would all agree it was well deserved, and to establish going forward that he would trust the Lord to fight his battles. And David’s life was never the same.

You may be facing situations that are very difficult, situations where you’re tempted to take matters into your own hands either through words or actions. But rather than establish a pattern that you’ll late regret, take a page from David’s life, leave the matter squarely in God’s hands, and experience a watershed moment from which God can bless your life going forward!

God Bless,
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church