Friday, July 10, 2009

Fishing Stories

Fishing Stories

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than
all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at
work within us, to him be glory in the church."
Ephesians 3:20

Now let's be honest, we've all exaggerated once or twice in our lifetimes, if not much more. Maybe it was the story that sounded a little better after spicing up the details for your friends? Or the famous fishing story and your hands just happened to go a little farther apart as you told how big the fish you struggled with for hours before finally landing was? Or the church story that would have a much greater effect on people, and sound a whole lot more powerful with only a little exaggeration of the details of what happened?

My thinking about this subject started with a statement by Francis Chan in his book Crazy Love that said "Isn't it a comfort to worship a God we cannot exaggerate?" Now before we move on, let's make sure he's right by trying some God-sized exaggerations to see if they work:

  1. Nothing is too difficult for my God! Nope, that doesn't work because it's true, our God is able to do anything and everything. He parted the Red Sea, made the sun stand still in the heavens, raised the dead, and so much more. There is no problem in our life that God can't handle, no difficulty His grace can't bring us through and certainly no battle we can't win with God by our side. We're going to have to try a whole lot harder if we're to have any hope to exaggerate our God!

  2. My God can listen to a billion people pray at once, hear each of their prayers and answer them according to His will. Sorry, that didn't work either. There is no call- waiting with God, no busy signals, no "all circuits are busy, please try your call again later". He is always there for each of us, from the remotest villages to the largest cities, hearing our every cry for mercy, help and strength. The Bible says He doesn't slumber or sleep, doesn't take sabbaticals or go away on vacation, and is never out sick. In fact it says that He will never leave us or forsake us, not you, not me, not any of us. No exaggeration there either, let's try one more time.

  3. When I fail Him or walk away from Him, My God forgives me, remembering my sins no more, "casting them into the depths of the sea". Wait a minute, doesn't everyone hold a little grudge, dredge up the past when it's needed, or keep a record of wrongs? Not our God. Psalm 103:3 says He "forgives all our sins" and then verse 12 adds that He removes them "as far as the east is from the west". Our God forgives and forgets! Little stuff and big stuff, He washes our sins away in the blood of the Lamb.
His forgiveness and mercy cannot be exaggerated, by even the best teller of tall tales out there. Not only do we have to admit that God cannot be exaggerated but we have to admit that it is comforting to know that. His power is unlimited, His knowledge is immeasurable and His love is unfathomable. And all are available to those who will seek the Lord and put their trust in Him.

We serve a God whose power, whose love, whose understanding is greater than we have words to describe. He simply cannot be exaggerated.

God Bless
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church

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