Friday, August 14, 2009

Two Wings Needed

Two Wings Needed

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their
strength. They will soar on wings like eagles."
Isaiah 40:31

From model airplanes glued together in the basement of a home to the latest jetliner manufactured by Boeing, from the smallest insect to the most majestic eagle, the truth remains the same; it takes two wings to fly. If you've ever seen a crippled bird, you know that there is no flight until the wounded wing is healed and both wings can be used to achieve flight.

A. W. Tozer, one of the great Christian leaders of the 20th century, said it this way:

"Truth is like a bird; it cannot fly on one wing.
Yet we are forever trying to take off with one
wing flapping furiously and the other tucked
neatly out of sight. Let's use both wings. We'll
get further that way"

The message he was trying to convey was one of balance in our Christian walks and in our lives. The most committed and faithful believer will eventually crash and burn if they do not get the rest and sleep they need. The most knowledgeable Bible scholar will struggle and make mistakes, some serious, in both words and actions, if they are under stress for too long a period of time.

The same truth can be seen in the spiritual realm. A person can be faithful in church attendance, serving and giving but if they allow sin and selfishness in their life, like a bird with one wing, they are going to have a hard time getting off the ground and making much progress in their spiritual life. We can't major on the minors in our walk with the Lord and we can't ignore the majors if we hope to "soar on wings like eagles" as Isaiah says. We are called to live a balanced Christian life.

The simple truth of needing two wings to fly may help you to discover what has kept you from taking off as a Christian, going deeper in the flow of the Holy Spirit, from being able to hear the voice of God and your coming to that place where you can trust Him without worry and stress constantly attacking you. Faithfulness in one area does not negate the need for balance and obedience in all areas of our walk. Like birds, we need two wings to rise above some of the situations we find ourselves in. Let's all try to find the balance we need to do that starting today!

God Bless
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church

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