Friday, May 7, 2010

Three-Way Bulbs

Three-Way Bulbs

“Let your light shine before men, that they may see
your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16

Our dependence on electricity and light bulbs was never as evident as it was during the Blackout of 2003, when much of the Northeast lost power in the late afternoon hours of August 14th. That memorable summer evening was spent with only the illumination of candles and flashlights to guide our way. Nightlights, outdoor lights, and light bulbs of every size, shape, and wattage stood dark and functionless until power was restored.

The night light left on in our kitchen has saved us from a myriad of problems from stepping in the dog’s water dish at 3:00 am when a Double Stuffed Oreo is desperately needed as a sleep aid to walking into furniture moved because of carpet cleaning. The night light we leave on in the garage saves our dog Dief from similar woes when he leaves his cage during a summer thunderstorm to come and hide in our closet. Our outdoor light in back helps us to see the deer in our backyard in fall and to watch the snow fly in winter, especially on the nights when a snow day is a distinct possibility.

But my personal favorite is the three way bulb, the 50/100/150 watt bulb that we use in our living room, the light bulb that gives you options. The 50 watt setting provides a nice soft light for relaxing and watching television while the 100 watt setting meets the need for talking to family and entertaining others. And the 150 watt setting, the strongest of the three, gets clicked on for everything from vacuuming and folding laundry to reading a good book, or The Good Book, the Bible. Whatever the case, lights of all degrees of brightness provide us a lesson on our role as lights in a dark world.

Jesus' words to believers that “you are the light of the world” carry with them a responsibility that cannot be taken lightly or easily dismissed. In a world being increasingly swallowed up in darkness, our light shining, our testimony that living for God brings peace, freedom, and fulfillment, our living holy and godly lives with joy and our acknowledging our Creator is indispensible. Our being “night lights” or our shining forth as 50 watt bulbs will not get the job done. In a world where Isaiah’s prophecy of” thick darkness covering the people” is being fulfilled before our eyes, the call for our lights to shine, a word that means “to beam or to radiate brilliancy”, has never been more urgent. People are desperate for lights that shine brightly, illuminating the path that leads to life. People are desperate for you to be a light in the world around you, a light clicked on to full strength, a light that points the way to God. Today, take up the call to be that light and to shine brightly for your God!

God Bless,
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church

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