Friday, August 6, 2010

Not My Concern!

Not My Concern!

“And he told him to urge her to go into the king’s presence
to beg for mercy and plead with him for her people.”
Esther 4:8

Recent headlines out of California have only served to reinforce the depths of the moral crisis that our once God fearing nation has descended into. An attempt by the people of California to use the ballot box to return to godly standards in the area of marriage has been soundly rebuffed by an appeals court. And to make matter worse, their decision was not only celebrated by those whose behavior the court sanctioned but was enthusiastically endorsed and applauded by our president, his administration and many in our Congress. And my question for today is: Should we be concerned?

The book of Esther tells the story of a plot, hatched by Haman, to destroy God’s people throughout the kingdom of Xerxes. When Mordecai learned of what was going to happen to his people, he responded with wailing and cries of desperation, calling out to the Lord for deliverance for his people the Jews. And he enlisted the aid of Esther, his cousin and also a Jew, who as queen had possible access to the king, the only one who had it in his power to change the plight of the Jews. Despite her royal robes and the comfort of the palace, Mordecai urged Esther to use her place of privilege and to go in to the king’s presence and beg for mercy for her people. Mordecai’s message was very simple, “Esther, forget your current comfort in the palace; if something isn’t done, you’ll end up being destroyed along with the rest of us.”

Mordecai’s call for Esther to get involved mirrors the trumpet call of the Spirit for the church and believers in America to begin to beg God for mercy and to plead with Him for our nation. No nation has ever turned against the laws of God, as our nation has and is doing, without eventual severe consequences. We can look the other way, say it’s not our concern, or we can purposefully begin to pray and seek the Lord for another great awakening in America. Our natural eyes know when it looks like rain, and forecasters can predict the weather with good accuracy, but are we, His people, able to see the spiritual signs all around us. We have heard the scripture quoted so often: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.” America’s hope, and our hope, rests in the faithfulness of God’s people to cry out and pray for their nation. And the time is now!

God Bless
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church

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