Wednesday, September 14, 2011


“Let your light so shine before others, so that they may see
your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”
                                                     Matthew 5:16
The drive to school on Monday morning was highlighted by the beauty of a full moon shining brightly and clearly in the western sky, reflecting the light of a sun that had not yet made its appearance for the day. And I was doubly blessed that on the ride home later that day, the same full moon was rising in the eastern sky just as the daylight was fading from sight.
The absolute beauty of the sight made it hard to imagine that what I was looking at was only a reflection, that the light I was enjoying wasn’t really the light of the moon but merely a reflection of the light of an unseen sun. And it made me consider the fact that we too are a reflection to those around us. We reflect who we believe in, we reflect the core set of values that govern our lives, and we reflect the level of commitment and dedication we have to the varied interests that vie for our attention.
As simple as this might sound, the moon has no choice in the matter; it reflects the light of the sun that is exposed to its surface. And really, no matter how hard we try, we have no choice either; the place that Christ has in our lives, how important He is to us, and how much serving Him and honoring Him dictates the priorities we live by are all clearly reflected to others. Jesus encouraged us to let our lights shine before men in a way that glorifies the Father in Heaven because clearly there are ways that we can let our light shine that do not glorify the Lord, and that do not reflect positively on the One who gave His life for each of us.
God is looking for a people whose every action, whose every attitude, whose every priority in life will reflect to the world around us that our God is worth our all, and that our God “has earned our loyalty and complete devotion by His love and death on the cross.” I pray that the reflection of Christ and of Christianity that others see when they look at our lives is one that glorifies God and that inspires them to seek and follow after our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
God Bless,
Pastor Joe

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