Thursday, June 18, 2009

An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

"Thank God in everything (no matter what the circumstances
may be, be thankful and give thanks), for this is the will of
God for you in Christ Jesus...." I Thessalonians 5:18 AMPL

The article in the Indiana newspaper was eye-catching, a husband and wife had given a large sum of money, $15 million, to help with the renovation of a building on the campus of the University of Notre Dame. It was a building I had walked by more times than I could count in my four years at Notre Dame, an inconspicuous stone structure on the quad where my dorm room was. But that plain building held one of the oldest and top rated law schools in the nation.

The write-up of Robert and Frances Biolchini's donation of $15 million was characterized by one word - gratitude. Gratitude by the Biolchini's for the education five of their children received at Notre Dame and gratitude by the university that someone would be so generous in helping to meet a need at the school.

Gratitude, the simple quality of being thankful for the many blessings in your life, is a trait that is far more important than we realize. Gratitude unlocks or releases other things in our lives. Edwin McManus wrote, for example, that "gratitude fuels optimism and hope" and that is so easy to see, a thankful person is always more hopeful and confident about their future than someone who is unthankful.

And as we see in the story of the Biolchini's, gratitude produces generosity. A thankful heart looks for ways to express that thankfulness by blessing other lives, being generous not just with finances but with love and concern and attention and forgiveness. A grateful person acknowledges God's generosity in their life, in the areas mentioned, from love to forgiveness and in so many more ways, and their attitude of gratitude becomes a defining force in their lives.

It's easy to see why the Lord admonished us to be thankful in every situation we find ourselves in. Gratitude and unforgiveness cannot co-exist, neither can gratitude and bitterness or gratitude and pessimism - they just don't go hand in hand. Being purposeful in making sure we are thankful and grateful people will change our perspective on life and allow us to fully enjoy the life we have been blessed with.

God Bless,
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church

PS - And for those wondering, yes, my parents were equally thankful for the awesome
education I received at Notre Dame!!

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