Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Most Wanted List

The Most Wanted List

".....that you may live in a right way
in undivided devotion to the Lord."
I Corinthians 7:35

One of the highlights of teaching government class was always the trip to the US District Court on West Lafayette Blvd. in downtown Detroit. The outing included sitting in on some very interesting court cases, visiting the "million dollar courtroom" of the chief justice, and a tour of the US Marshalls facilities in the building. (Not to mention a People Mover ride to Greektown and a visit to Pizzapopolis for some incredible deep dish pizza.....).

Every year, without fail, the students would get the most excited when they saw the FBI's Most Wanted Posters on the wall outside the US Marshall's office. If you can picture a group of students crowded around trying to get as many details as possible of the deeds that got these men and women on the famous "most wanted list".

When I was reminded of this recently, the question crossed my mind "does heaven have a most wanted list"? Something like this:

Fred Higgins-
Wanted for setting a bad example for unbelievers, one that hardened 12 lives at work.

Sally Monroe-
Wanted for 9 counts of hypocrisy and 6 counts of lying to others to make herself look good.

James Johnson-
Wanted forholding grudges against those who cheated him even though he cheated too.

Maria Balfour-
Wanted for aggravated gossip and criticism of others, causing 8 people to stop going to church.

It's possible to get so caught up in being positive and encouraging, that we lose sight of the fact that there are things the Lord hates, sins that will separate us from God and his presence in our lives. Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven things "that are detestable to Him" and follows that up with warnings about adultery and immorality. We have been called to lives of holiness and purity.

Those on the FBI's list are on the run from authorities, hiding out rather than face long prison terms and, for some, even the death penalty. Let's make sure we aren't on the run from the Holy Spirit as He tries to bring conviction in our lives and lead us to repentance for areas of sin, disobedience, and unrighteousness (things that just aren't right). Is God looking for you? Is God trying "to bring you in" like the US Marshalls do with those on the "most wanted list"? Surrender to the Lord afresh today and allow Him to lead you, as the scripture says, "in a right way".

God Bless
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church

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