Thursday, October 13, 2011



“I realize that everything has its limits, but your
commands are beyond full comprehension.”
                                         Psalm 119:96

They are found everywhere, while driving a car, in our personal finances, and even in our national government: limits on what a person can do. From the 15 mile per hour speed limit on the Lewiston Bridge over the Niagara River to the 70 mile per hour speed limit on Interstate 94, the speed at which we are allowed to drive is limited; we can’t go as fast as we want, as fast as our schedule dictates, or even as fast as our car is capable of going. Let’s face it, when it comes to driving our cars, we are limited.

Credit cards present us with a similar situation; they have a limit on what we can spend and how much in charges we are allowed to accumulate. Some cards might have higher limits than others and some might be usable in more places than others but the phrase “credit limit” is known to all. Even getting a money order last week presented the same problem; there is a limit to how much you can get a money order for. Try cashing a check at a bank you don’t have an account at. No matter how much money is in your account, you won’t leave happy. When it comes to finances, we are limited.

We don’t usually think of the President of the United States as being limited but our form of government limits the power of each branch of government. Our government’s recent fiscal crisis, when the debt ceiling desperately needed to be raised for the government to continue to operate, reinforced the limits on presidential power. He may have a position of great power and he may be the highest elected official in our nation but when it comes to taking certain actions, the president’s power is limited by the Constitution. And we may pay taxes and take part in elections but we have a representative government in which elected officials wield power. In government, we are most certainly limited.

But thankfully, there is someone whose strength has no bounds, and whose power has no limits. There is a God in heaven for whom nothing is impossible, for whom no problem is too difficult, and before whom none can stand. We serve a God whose power is limitless, a God who has promised to do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” That a limitless God is on our side and has only our best interests at heart should help us fend off discouragement and hopelessness, and by faith pursue God’s best for our lives.

God Bless,
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church

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