Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Passport to God

A Passport to God
“In Him and through faith in Him, we may
approach God with freedom and confidence.”
                                 Ephesians 3:12
Our trip had taken us first to Baltimore to help Linda get unloaded, up to the cottage on Seneca Lake, and then on to Rochester for a short visit with family. We were on our way home, heading toward Niagara Falls to cross into Canada, when I realized that I had not remembered to bring my passport along. The passport that had gotten me into Japan, the Philippines, Honduras and countless border crossings between Canada and the United States was nowhere to be found, and panic set in. The new law seemed to be clear: no passport meant no entry into the US.
Quite honestly, I had forgotten that story until this week when I heard this quote from J.C. Ryle:  “The name of Jesus is a never failing passport for our prayers.” Now I know the scriptures that express the thought Ryle is trying to convey. Ephesians 2:18 says, “For through Him (Jesus) we have access to the Father,” and the scripture above beautifully declares that we can approach God with boldness and confidence because of our faith in Jesus. Because Jesus made a way for us by offering Himself in our place, we have access to God and need never be afraid to go before Him with our deepest needs, presenting our every desire to God in prayer.
Wondering if I would be allowed into the US without my passport, I called a friend who is a customs agent and his response to my situation was noteworthy: “As a US citizen, you cannot be denied entrance into the United States.” The choice had been taking the long way around Lake Erie through the States, and adding three hours to the trip in the process, or chancing it by going through Canada without a passport. His words were all I needed to hear; we crossed the border into Canada, and a short time later I was declaring my citizenship, without the necessary passport, to the customs agent in Port Huron. A few questions later, a huge sigh of relief breathed, and we were back in the United States, heading down I-94 towards home.
The parallel couldn’t be clearer. You and I have access to God for all our prayers, to present our needs, to come before Him for help in time of trouble – and all because of Jesus. We have full access to the Creator, to our Refuge, to our Rescuer, to our Provider, to the God who loves us enough to send His Son to die for our sins. Confidence and boldness are words that rightly describe the freedom you should feel in approaching God whenever you pray. You have a passport to God, the precious name of Jesus, that grants you access to the throne of grace, an access that cannot be denied as you come before him with a heart filled with faith!
God Bless,
Pastor Joe
Gateway Church

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